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First Thing To Do On Saving Money

Saving your money doesn’t need to be troublesome. You just need to start saving money when you are physically and mentally ready. No need to hassle yourself, because this is for your own good. You might starve yourself if you save your money the wrong way. There are so many ways you can save but the most effective ideas are mostly the personalized one. That is why I will only give the easiest and the most basic concept of saving money.

List and categorize all your expenses and how much money you earn every month. You can actually use apps or software or a simple notebook and try to use a pen with different kinds of colors. Black for income(where your money comes from), blue for basic needs(food, Bills, groceries and mortgage or rent) and red for extras( gifts, junk foods, clothing and eating outside). I’ve put clothing in extras because you don’t need to buy clothes monthly. It’s up to you what color of the pen you want to use and I hope that there are no color blind on my readers.

By categorizing all your expenses will give you a knowledge on what flexible items to omit or to skip buying. These flexible items are usually seen on extras. Always take time to read your list weekly because there might be some slight changes you need to do. For your basic needs you don’t need to change it but you can actually save a lot in groceries. Try to ask if the grocery you always shop has loyalty cards, promos or voucher codes (for online) that you can use while shopping. This can cut your expenses for the basic needs. See here now to learn more about voucher codes.

Compare how much money are coming in and going out. The list that you are spending monthly must be smaller than what you earn. If you’re spending more than what you’re earning then you have to rewrite your list and look for the items on the extras that you can cut down. As I have mentioned earlier no need to rush things. It takes months to perfect your budget plan. You can compare your monthly budget every month and try to remove the things that you really don’t need.

Make sure that this list are separated from weekly to monthly expenses. This way you will see how much you spend on a regular basis to monthly. You don’t need to work out that much to save money. A simple list can actually save your future. Just follow what you write and discipline yourself not to buy the things that is not written in your notes. Time will come and you will train yourself in handling your own expenses and the task will be normal, just like your daily task.

Small changes in your daily expenses such as buying lunch at work or spending money on bottled water could make a big difference in the long run. Learn how to cook so that you won’t need to buy lunch anymore and always bring drinking water everytime you go. Planning ahead will make your life secured in the future.


Daniel Lowe loves to write about money saving tips and how she achieved the life she's been wanting all this time. Debt and worry-free.

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